Friday, January 3, 2020

ZALP Launches ER-I Platform for Evaluating Employee Referral Processes

ZALP Launches ER-I Platform for Evaluating Employee Referral Processes A leading employee referral software company, ZALP has launched its campaign ER-i The Employee Referral Index, the largest global initiative on employee referrals. It enables organizations to benchmark employee referral program against industry leaders and other referral programs of successful organizations. The ER-i initiative began in 2013 to help organizations measure the performance of referral programs with the help of important variables and key performance indicators crucial for the evaluation and assessment of these programs.Recruiting professionals can use the ZALP platform to assess their employee referral programs and benchmark them against global industry standards. ER-i also helps organizations understand some of the best practices being used by other organizations and current trends in the area of employee referr als.At ZALP, our prime focus has always been to help organizations unleash the true potential of their employee referral program says Priyanka Prabhu, Sr. absatzwirtschaft Manager at ZALP. We thought giving organizations a chance to benchmark their current referral program with that of others in their industry would be a great step towards that goal.Each participating organization also receives its own personalized ranking report designed to help the company measure its program against other companies for the assessment of their current employee referral efforts relative to best practices in global employee referral programs.Participating in the campaign not only allows organizations to check where they stand on the Employee Referral Index, but they also receive custom strategies and recommendations in an action plan format.