Friday, December 20, 2019

Dont Let Friends Sabotage Your Job Search

Dont Let Friends Sabotage Your Job SearchDont Let Friends Sabotage Your Job SearchIts terrible to contemplate, but its been known to happen friends, colleagues and even your own family members can sabotage your job search efforts.They may or may notlage do it deliberately, but the people closest to you can sometimes be impediments to change when you are trying to make major life transitions. Change, after all, can seem scary, not only for you, but for those around you, and your near-and-dear ones may perceive of any significant shift in your life such as a career change as a threat to the status quo on a very fundamental level.People close to you can place any number of obstacles in your path to finding a new job, from questioning whether youre really qualified (thereby undermining your self-confidence), to planting disinformation (read lies) about you or your personal life, in social media or in person (hence undermining your credibility).What can you do about it? Well, a few thin gs, as it turns out if you act swiftly to nip the problem in the bud.Be ProactiveFace your concerns head-on. Resolving the issue may take something as simple as sitting down and having a heart-to-heart talk to get things out in the open, and figuring out whether or why someone close to you doesnt seem to support your job search efforts.Monitor social mediaBe vigilant about keeping tabs on your online profile and tracking the information thats out there about you. Again, take a proactive stance you can even set up a Google alert for your name, so that youll swiftly receive any new information that pops up about you. Keep in mind that social media can be a powerful job-searching tool, and that potential employers use it to look for both the positive and the negative when vetting new hires. Maintaining tight control of your online reputation is critical. As social media goes, what you dont know can truly hurt you.Build your self-confidenceKnow that youve got what it takes to get hire d an easy fact to forget in the face of job rejection, particularly when those around you arent doing much to help you boost your confidence during your job search. Dont listen to the naysayers, keep your accomplishments in mind, and remind yourself that reaching for new goals is challenging, but success makes the challenge worthwhile.Forge aheadLooking for a job is a roller-coaster ride, to be sure, so dont let negativity keep you down. The ability to maintain a positive attitude is one of the best predictors of job-hunting success, so stay focused and keep your attitude upReaders, tell us your tips for keeping friends and family from sabotaging your job search

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